OSL Library
Withdrawn materials will be offered to the congregation or donated to the Pottawattamie County Jail and the Council Bluffs Public Library. The extra space will allow us to purchase new materials to update the collection.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Library serves to increase the knowledge and strengthen the faith of members of the congregation.
The Library is located in the balcony area of the narthex (2nd floor nursery). The library has over 300 items including books and DVD’s.
Materials are divided into the following areas: Children’s Fiction; Children’s Nonfiction; Adult Fiction; Adult Nonfiction; and DVD’s. In addition, high interest areas such as Devotionals and books on Martin Luther are located on separate shelves.
When checking out materials, please sign your first and last name in the OSL Library Checkout Binder, with the current date.
Materials may be checked out as long as needed but please be aware that others may be waiting for those titles. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
When returning materials please locate your name in the OSL Library Checkout Binder and add the date that the material was returned.
We encourage you to visit, enjoy, and checkout the library collection. Bible bookmarks are available for adults and children. Together we can create an inspiring collection for all.
Please consider donating funds or materials to the Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Library. Current materials, in good to excellent condition and that adhere to the mission of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, may be donated to the library at any time. Please limit donations to 5 items at a time. Materials may be brought to the office and the Church Secretary will notify members of the Library team.
Flannelboards (for in-library use)
Activity Center
 Titles to Checkout
Family Reading Aloud TimeÂ
Award Winning Titles
*Newbery Medal is awarded annually by the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, for the most outstanding contribution to children's literature.
Adult Nonfiction
Bible Versions and Translations
Martin Luther